This is Recode Global where Jason's mom, Dr. Pascal, works as a scientist. Jason's class is on a field trip that is cut short by a "code 7." Dr. Pascal was telling them about her work. Artificial Intelligence plus Human Intelligence equals the future today.
AI + HI = the future today
PROTO Project
Hi, I'm your new neighbor, Maya.
Hi, Maya. I'm Jason.
Dr. Pascal took Jason to her lab to see Proto after his class left the field trip. She wasn't sure if she was allowed to bring Jason into her lab to see Proto. Recode Global is very serious about security and keeping him secret because he was expensive to develop and build. Proto is almost a billion dollar machine. Dr. Pascal is concerned about what could happen if Proto fell into the wrong hands. Proto hops into Jason's pocket as he leaves.
Jason, this is Proto. He is a prototype of the world's most sophisticated artificial intelligence.Proto, say hi to my son Jason.
Hi, Jason.
MOM! It spoke! I can see why security is so tight here.
"Pinky" and "King Kong" pick up Dr. Pascal from her house. They try to disguise themselves as Recode Global employees picking her up to bring her to the airport for a business trip. Jason and Maya recognize them as caterers from the field trip and know something is up. They take her to a warehouse.
Come with us! You have to build an AI for our boss. Where is your prototype? It wasn't in your lab.
Proto isn't in my lab?
Recode Global
Yeah, you have 12 hours to build a new one.
Dr. Cooper came to Jason's house to tell Mr. Pascal that his wife was missing. Jason and Maya don't trust Dr. Cooper so they decide to use Proto and Maya's drone (Patty) to find Dr. Pascal. Proto is the smartest AI ever so he must be able to help them find her.
Your wife never showed up for her flight. She and her biggest project are missing. Do you know where she is?
She would never steal Recode property. You need to find her.
I need to save my mom.
Maya, Jason and Proto find Dr. Pascal and Jason's dad. Dr. Pascal's boss, Dr. Cooper was behind the kidnapping because he wanted to alter Proto to be able to help them move to a new planet. He was going to shoot Dr. Pascal if Jason didn't hand over Proto but Maya's drone, named Patty, saved the day by knocking out Dr. Cooper. Proto hacked into the drones and they attacked Dr. Cooper so everyone else could escape.
BackatRecodeGlobaltheydecidedtomakeJasonandMayajuniorinternsbecausetheydidsuchagoodjobsavingDr.andMr.Pascal.Theywereableto work really well with Proto and teach him new things so Recode thought they would be a great addition to the team. Jason, Maya and Proto were very happy.
It is with great pleasure that I introduce you to Recode Global's first junior interns, Maya Mateo and Jason Pascal.