I am going to Columbia University as soon as I finish high school(Schmidt, 212).
You will be going to Columbia University when Lima beans fly (Schmidt, 212).
By the time you read this, I will be somewhere on the highway heading towards the Rocky Mountains with Chit. I'll call when I can. Don't worry. And don't try to follow me (Schmidt, 213).
Our house grew quiet and still. There was no music from upstair and there was hardly any talk. And what words there were felt careful, since there was a whole lot that no one wanted to talk about (Schmidt, 214).
I heard that she was in Minneapolis and that she had exactly $4 left in her pocket, that she didn't know what she was going to do since a bus ticket to New York City costs $44.55(Schmidt, 227).
I handed my $100 Salisbury Park saving bond to the teller (Schmidt, 228).If you turn it in for cash now, you'll only get fifty-two dollars. If you hold on to it, in just a few years it will be worth a hundred dollars. Fifty-two dollars. I hope you're going to be something worthwhile with your money (Schmidt, 228).
He took the money and sent $50.25 to Minneapolis, Minnesota, to a Western Union Station on Heather Avenue, even though I didn't know if my sister was at that station or if she even knew that money was coming (Schmidt, 229).
I need to send this cash to Minneapolis. I need to send it to my sister (Schmidt, 228).