We are going to travel back in time to ancient Egypt to learn about the artatecture
Ok ancent eqyptans artatecture is really cool cant wait to learn about it
You know Ancient Egyptians showed collective learning by receiving information from there early ancestors to help build these huge temples.
Yeah, a example of modern day Egyptian architecture is the national world war 1 museum and memorial in Kansas City, Missouri.
Ok time to go to the classical peroid 850bce to 476ce
you know one fact about the classical period is that it is characterized by symmetry,columns,rectangle windows and marble.they used a lot wale building
Now that were are in the classical period can you tell us how it showed collective learning
yeah of course
The Egyptians sometimes dident have the materials they needed so they invented and used machines like the ramp and the level
that´s how Egyptians showed collective learning by making and inventing things when they didn´t have the materials that they needed
cool it was so fun learning about ancient architecture and how it if deferent from other styles of architecture