I was headed on a vacation, excited for a much needed break
Nice to meet you, I'm Tanya!
Hey, I'm Aanya Brinda. Nice to meet you too!
But then the turbulence hit
The survivors stayed on the island for a few days, until the rescue crew found us
We don't have any way to communicate because the people of the island are so outdated. looks like we'll have to wait it out.
Follow me!
Wow, to think that I've been contributing to this my whole life. Its partially my fault that these people are dying. I litter without a second thought. I've never really thought about our evironment before but to know that its hurt so many people....
When I saw what the pollution had done to the people of the island, I realized how big of a problem pollution was
The pollution contaminated our water source, causing our people to remain in sickness. More than half of them have died.
Once we were rescued I needed a jaw replacement
During my recovery, I began thinking of what I saw on the island and became inspired