Cole has agreed to do the circle of justice to imporve his anger
Cole in here because he beat up a kid named Peter so now Cole is agrreing to do a cirlce of justice but you must improvee your anger but he didnt want to do that the only reasen why is because he wants to be out of jail.
Person vs Self
I am only doing this so there is no charges other than that I dont care.
I am serius I want to change for the better
Cole was going to a island to serve time there for a year to control his anger but he is only going to go because so he dosnt have to pay the charges and it is better than jail. He is mad that his officer is not going to help him unless he changes into a better person so Cole lied to him.
We wouldnt be here if Peter kept his mouth shut.
Cole you better not be waseting my time you better be doing this for a change not to get out of jail.
Person vs Person
Cole didnt like the bear was looking at him so he saw him the next day he said to the bear i will kill you bu the bear still stood there