Hey Annie! do you want to hear a Charles Darwin?
Of course. I love stories!
England early 1800s
You cannot put playing ball and shoot before your studies. You are a disgrace to this family.
I will use my time on this voyage to see the world from a different perspective.
Annie and Joe were studying in the lab when Joe asked a question that sparked Annie's interest...
Charles's House
In the early 1800s, Charles's father spoke words to him, that would be proven untrue as Charles came to be a very famous naturalist that contributed to the study of evolution.
Charles and Emma's Wedding 1839
He started to question a lot of things and decided to take a gap year to circumnavigate the planet after becoming a creationist.
Present Day
Based on data he's collected and read about he started to ponder the idea of extinction and evolution such as us coming from apes. Soon his thoughts and data would contribute to aid a theory that changed the thoughts of people all over.
Married the love of his life and they went started a family that will continue to change the world through generations like his great-great-great-grandson Christopher Darwin who teaches people about Charle's Studies.