Promise - God promises that he will be their god and they can be his people.
Demand; God demands that we follow his commandments and laws.
Mosaic Covenant God gives Moses the 10 commandments at Mount Sinai after he leads the Israelites out of Egypt.
Baptism- The image shows the minister pouring water over the baby's head, clearing the baby from sin. To the right of the pries, stand the parents of the baby, and to the left of the baby, stands it's godparents.
Demand - God demands that we follow the commandments and "Love each other as I love you."
Promise - Eternal life in heaven and we will be God's people.
LIFEJesus taught people how to act and how to be how God envisioned them to be through the use of parables, he also performed various miracles throughout his life.
DEATHJesus was crucified on a cross, which sealed the New Covenant. He was the ultimate sacrifice, which made up for all sin.
ResurrectionJesus rises from the dead. Animal sacrifice is no longer needed because Jesus has been sacrificed, and He is the ultimate sacrifice.