Rhea is part of the organizing team for a talent club at college She loves hosting events for the club. She is an expressive speaker which make the crowd develop good conversations in the event.
Hello, Everyone welcome to Grand Theater Show , Organized by our club .This is going to be a great opportunity , for the performers.
Lets not stop due to the obstacles, We shall use online meet to communicate and share ideas with our team and conduct club events online.
Due the the pandemic the college was closed and Rhea couldn't conduct any events for the club . She couldn't stay home without doing what she was best at. She had many reasons for not organizing the event but she started searching for ways to conduct from from.
OHH!, no! How are we going to conduct the events for the club, being inactive would cause suspension of the club.
Yes, We shall find better ways by sharing ideas and think of alternatives for our work.
I'll take care of hosting the event
Rhea has come up with an solution to work online as she is accountable for development of the club, but as she is unaware of the online tool she has asked Ramya for help.
Hello Ramya, I need some help to deal with online tool to work online for the club.
Thank you soo much Ramya for coming and helping me out on my request
Ramya has been responsive to her friends call to help her and has taken to responsibility to teach Rhea about the online tools.
Your welcome Rhea are friends I share your responsibilities too
Rhea started to communicate with her team and bring them all together to share ideas. Everyone started to lean new skills and look for alternative solutions for their challenges.
Together as a team Rhea and her friends are committed to work for the event by sharing responsibilities and conducting the event as professionals.
We shall look after the registrations and background work.
I shall manage the online tools and publicity for the event.