We've arrived! I can see a great big cave that belongs to a big Cyclops, we must see! Oh so many goats and sheep...
They met the Cyclops, and he asks where they come from, and he thinks that they might be pirates.
Such nice things! Many different cheeses and lots of animals! The Cyclops is not here, we will light a fire and make an offering, as well as help ourselves to the cheese
Run! Hide! The Cyclops!
Our ship was smashed.
We are Archaean's, returning from Troy. We are followers of Agamemnon, Atreus’ son. We hope for hospitality, don't refuse us respect the gods!
You are a foreigner or a fool, telling me to fear and revere the gods! I am better than them, I don't spare anyone. Where have you landed your ship?
It is now dark, we are locked in here and we have 2 less men. We must wait for daylight
I'm gonna eat two of these mortals!
The Cyclops relit the fire and milked the animals, and takes them outside again to graze as well as eating two more men.
The wine is good, I got a second cup. I will give the humans a guest gift to please them.
Cyclops! We have some wine for you, try it.
When the Cyclops falls asleep again, we shall stab him in the eye. My men and I will take wood from the Cyclops' giant club, a six foot length, and sharpen it.
We must get vengeance!
Cyclops has no idea that my men and I have a club.
Cyclops, you asked my name, and I will tell you. My name is Nobody, my people call me Nobody, give me a guest gift as you promised
My gift is that I will eat Nobody last of all his company, all others will be eaten before him.
The club was heated in the fire.
Ahhh! My eyeball is being lit on fire....I have woken my friends! Nobody is hurting me!
In his drunken sleep, the Cyclops vomited wine.
The Cyclops effortlessly opened the door.
Why must you leave the cave like the last of the flock my fine ram?
Haha! We escaped and now we shall steal the sheep and rams. I've tied them into threes but we must wait until daylight.