This is how this ceramic was made, using wet clay, shaping it into a semi-circle ovaloid, and heating it up into a solid object.
This was created to make life better, by allowing people to do or hold things with less effort and difficulty.
due to its shape, curve, temper/paste, slip, surface treatment, and paint, it points to it most likely being part of a bowl.
It was probably used to hold liquids and foods when people were eating , and probably was used to take food or liquids from one place to a relatively close one. The sherd's specific role was to be the base and support for the rim and kept things from falling out of the bottom.
It made holding liquids and food easier, MUCH easier and was so useful that everyone had one. We still use bowls today!
After many many years and centuries, the bowl fell apart and is now a sherd. It broke probably due to immense pressure of the earth above it and other forces of nature, it cracked and broke. Yet, without the other pieces, we can still find out what it was.