This is Joe. He is 76 years old. His car was stolen this morning. His daughters wedding is across town so he needs to take the bus. He is in a very big hurry.
This is Evan. He just graduated from University. He isgoing to his first job interview. His interview starts in 3 hours but he only needs 15 minutes of transprotation. He likes to be very prepared
Why is the Bus taking so long?? I am getting late for my interview
Great! Now i will get to my interview on time!
Oh no! Im not going to make the bus!
Attention all passengers on board. There is an elderly man trying to get this bus so we are going to wait for him
But thats not what your hired to do. I am in a big hurry so i need to go
Fine I guess i have nothing to lose
I understand you are in hurry sir but we must help people in need, especially when we are in a position to
Thank you so much for waiting for me!! Now i can get to my daughters wedding !