Message: Greeting and introductionEncoding: Roy greets the girl and introduces himself to herChannel: At a restaurant
Hi my name is Roy how are you doing?
Sender: Roy Receiver: The girl
*Loud talking on the phone
Hi my name is Helen I'm doing fine
Message: Helen introduces herself to RoyExternal/Noise Barrier: Because of the loud talking Roy couldn't hear HelenFeedback: Helen tells her name to Roy
Sender: Roy Receiver: Helen
What I didn't hear what she just said
Uh I didn't catch that what was your name again?
Message: Roy ask questionEncoding: Roy ask Helen for her name
Sender: Roy Receiver: Helen
I think this guy wants to ask me for a drink with him. What's taking him so long
Its Helen
Feedback: Helen responds with her name Internal Noise: Helen's annoyed Roy's taking so long to ask her out Decoding: Helen understands Roy probably wants to ask her out
Sender: Roy Receiver: Helen
Helen would you like to get a drink with me I'll pay?