Romeo, the love I bear thee can afford No better term than this: thou art a villain.
Come, come, thou art as hot a jack in thymood as any in Italy, and as soon moved to bemoody, and as soon moody to be moved.
By my head, here comes the Capulet's
And but one word with one of us? Couple it with something. Make it a word and a blow.
You shall find me apt enough to that, sir, and you will give me occasion.
We talk here in the public haunt of men.Either withdraw unto some private place,Or reason coldly of your grievances,Or else depart. Here all eyes gaze on us.
Men’s eyes were made to look, and let them gaze.I will not budge for no man’s pleasure, I.
Well, peace be with you, sir. Here comes my man
Villain am I none.Therefore farewell. I see thou knowest me not.
I do protest I never injured thee.But love thee better than thou canst devise,Till thou shalt know the reason of my love.And so, good Capulet, which name I tender. As dearly as mine own, be satisfied.
Tybalt, you ratcatcher, will you walk?
Boy, this shall not excuse the injuries.That thou hast done me. Therefore turn and draw.
This gentleman, the Prince’s near ally,My very friend, hath got this mortal hurting my behalf. My reputation stained With Tybalt’s slander— Tybalt, that an hour Hath been my cousin! O sweet Juliet,Thy beauty hath made me effeminate And in my temper softened valor’s steel.
I am hurt.A plague o’ both houses! I am sped.Is he gone and hath nothing? Ay, ay, a scratch, a scratch. Marry, ’tis enough.Where is my page?—Go, villain, fetch a surgeon.