The Magna Carta was an agreement between the nobles and the monarchs, it strengthened the rights of the nobles and limited the power of the monarchs. It led to the end of Feudalism because it gave rise to a democratic government shifting power from the monarch to the people.
Rights Strengthened
The bubonic plague is a disease that affected people all over Europe and killed around 25 million people. It led to the end of feudalism because so many people died that there was a desperate need for peasant workers and many of them abandonded their manors, shifting the power from the feudal lords to the peasants.
The Hundred Years' War was a series of battles between England and France over control of French lands. Monarchs on both sides collected taxes and raised professional armies so they didn't rely on nobles for knights anymore.The common people who survived were needed for work and gained power. These two things caused a shift in power and led to the end of feudalism