Sis, i'm so tired anymore, I don't want to write because my pencil is always break and also my hands is hurts.
Boy, you have to write, how will you learn in life, if that is how you behave to me
waaa! where's my mama, because of that you have to used sharpening for my pencil.
You see, if you cry the pencil just always breaks just remember you even stop writing and use a sharpener. The pencil will suffer as a result, but it will be sharper in the end. Just like you, you have learn to tolerate some discomfort because it will make you a better man.
Mama he's crying because he doesn't want to write anymore, he says his hands hurt so much because of the pencil that is always break.
i think you did something to make him cry, okay come here my son, just follow your sister because she is right and she's only cares about your future
We are facing a pandemic, and many of us have been affected even the normal education of our accustomed seems to have changed. And i say another change livelihood we are dealing now, so one day Joanna's younger brother has a hard time to write, and all he wants is to write in the school since he is used to.
The youngest brother did not stop crying, so the elder's sister came over to explain to him her life experience. That you have to stand up in life because of every relentless writing, sometimes assessing it or pencil is been always to sharp, but this is the way to you to a better man.
Eventually, the youngest brother realized the reason for what the sister's said, so he stopped crying when their mother came, and because of this the mother found out that her youngest son was crying...