With such a low income, I'm not sure we will be able to go out as often anymore with the kids... we will have to keep a strict budget
I was unable to find any job openings today... I don't know what to do anymore- I've been looking for months!
This budgeting includes not being able to bring the kids to our local mall and shops. We will be unable to support these small businesses
This also includes not being able to purchase healthier food options for our family- and sometimes, unable to buy enough food for the week
We worry very often about being unable to afford our children's education!
Due to our low income, we are no loner able to afford our house due to the high interest rates. We will have to live in the favelas- which are unsafe and unsanitary
The economy is plummeting. Local shops are not making a profit along with many other businesses. Businesses are filing for bankruptcy. The entire economy is in public debt... we will have to raise our interest rates. I'm not sure what will happen anymore