Family Tension: Family tensions that are usually resolved in the end
"Good sister, wrong me not, nor wrong yourself,To make a bondmaid and a slave of me-That I disdain; but for these other gawds,Unbind my hands" (Shakespeare.2.1.1)
the hatred between Kate and bianca  
Multiple Plots: Complex, interwoven plot-lines
My lord, you nod; you do not mind the play. (Shakespeare.1.1.545)
a play inside of a play
Mistaken Identity: Mistaken identities, often involving disguise
"master, has my fellow Tranio stol'n your clothes, or you stol'n his , or both?"(Shakespeare.1.1.224)
tranio became lucentio
Young Lovers: A struggle of young lovers to overcome problems, often the result of the interference of their elders
If you affect him, sister, here I swearI'll plead for you myself but you shall have him. (Shakespeare.2.1.850)
bianca doesnt like either of the suitors 
Separation: Some element of separation and reunification
What, will you not suffer me? Nay, now I seeShe is your treasure, she must have a husband;I must dance bare-foot on her wedding-day,And for your love to her lead apes in hell.Talk not to me; I will go sit and weep,Till I can find occasion of revenge. (Shakespeare.2.1.877)