They released a lot of CO2 in the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels and deforesting, contaminated water because of industries and used fertilizers in excess causing the affection of nitrogen and water cycles
And what are the consequences?
Increase of greenhouse gasses, eutrophication, acid rain and much more. Within these consequences other consequences come along, like displacement of species, death of ecosystems, extinction of species, rise of temperatures,decrease of biodiversity...
Wow, that's so bad! And are they doing something to fix all this?
Well, Horsey, some humans are more conscious than others and work on solutions for the issues they caused, but others, like the people in Hillwood, just don't care and keep contaminating.
And the people of Shermer are working on those solutions?
Indeed, that's why we are going there. Let me tell you what are those solutions...
Go ahead
So, first, the people on Shermer recycle all that they can. They don't waste anything that can be useful, so that decreases the waste on the city
They have agricultural activities within the ecosystem nearby, so biodiversity doesn't decrease. And they don't use fertilizers in excess for preventing eutrophication because of this same strategy