In the beginning of the story, Andy had step siblings named Winks and Jason. His parents were named Phil and his step mom named Marie. Andy felt low self esteem and always thought of himself as ordinary. He hasn't got good grades in school and he always thought that Jason was considered the gifted one.
In the middle of the story, Ms Haverly took her class to the art museum. Andy was excited to see a mummy. After he saw the mummy he felt really full as if he ate. When he was working on the art project, he felt like he knew actually where to paint. His mummy came out perfect and everyone was surprised. Andy's self-esteem started to increase and he started to put more effort into school work. He took more time on his work.
In the end of the story, Jason was upset about Andy's dad and mom not caring about him. Jason felt like the attention was on Andy. Even though, Andy and Jason were competitive with each other, Andy still understands how Jason really feels. Andy and Jason had a few things in common like when they both lost a parent. Andy also decided to let Jason know about the homework assignments there were going to be while he was sick.