There where two wolfs that resided in the forest. they didnt wander far from their base as they didnt know what could be lurking.
But one day one wolf decides to venture out of the woods into the plains.The other wolf stayed put and didnt follow
The wolf walks away from the forest when he spots a cave.
The wolf meets a man and after a few hours the wolf and the man are friends. The man teaches the wolf tricks and how to be friendly
The man then breeds another wolf he found with the first one. he teaches the offspring the same tricks and how to be friendly.
The wolfs then start to automatically learn to be friendly and soon their fur and body shape change to adapt to their new personality.
Now the wolf that went to the man no longer looks like its normal self. it mutated to become more friendlier and cuter oer the decades. now being called a dog.
The wolf that never followed the wolf that went to the man, bred with another wolf and continued the wolf line through out the decades to always be seperate from the dogs