I know that this scene is person v. person because the scene is about how the coachman underestimates Lyddie when pushing the stagecoach. In Lyddie, the book has a statement that supports my claim. "Above she heard the laughter of the coachman."
I know that this scene is person v. society because the setting above shows the passengers with Lyddie judging her because of her clothes. Some proof for my claim is on page 4. "They were looking at her-at her clothes especially. At first she was mortified, but the longer they rode, the angrier she became."
I know this scene is person v. nature because it is showing Lyddie annoyed by the rain. I can prove this claim by giving an excerpt of the book. "Then, just at dusk, the sky opened, and it began to rain-not light Spring showers, but cold, soaking torrents of rain."