Hey Janet. I have a idea for a law. I think we should make a law so that employers could contribute to employee student loans!
That's a good idea Scott. It would help employees that can't pay for their own loan or need help paying it a lot!
I have a idea for a law! Here's my bill.
I law starts of as a idea. An idea for law is called a bill. A bill starts off by getting introduced. People who can introduce bills are representatives, state legislatures, the people, and the executive branch. Scott is telling Janet his idea for a law. Janet thinks it's a great idea.
After a bill has been introduced it gets sent to committee. The committees research to study if the bill is worth getting sent to the House of Representatives for a vote. Scott is sending the bill to committee.
After the bill has been studied by committee it gets discussed/debated by the entire house. If it starts in the House of Reps then it will go to the"House Floor". It needs a 218/435 vote to move on. If it starts in the Senate then it will be debated in the Senate. It needs 51/100 votes to move on.
This is a good idea for law! I'm gonna sign this bill!
After the vote, the bill will go to the other house of Congress.
Now it's at the conference committee. The confrence committee makes it match before going to the president.
After it comes from the conference committee it goes to the president. For the bill to become a law the president has to sign the bill. The president can also veto the bill meaning forbid it from becoming a law. Congress can override the vote with 2/3 majority vote.