Hamlet is strugguling to accept the fact that his mother choose to marry his uncle. Claudius tells Hamlet to view him as a father but Hamlet rejects it by saying that he is "A little more than kin and less than kind."
Act 3
Hamlet meets the ghost it tells him that he was killed by his uncle Claudius and that he should avege his death. He also tells Hamlet to leave his mother alone because her punishment will be given by the heavens.
Act 3
AAAct 5
Hamelet thinks alot about what the ghost of his father tells him and everything that has happened so far. So while meditating he comes up with his soliloquy and the famous line "To be, or not to be, that is the question."
Hamlet with the help of Horatio make a play about the events of the poisoning of Hamlets dad to see if Claudius will react to it. Which he does ,Claudius stops the play and runs out. Hmalet and Horatio see this as a sign that he is guilty.
When Claudius runs out from wachting the play he goes to go pray. While he is praying he confesses to killing the Former king. Hamlet follows his uncle and hears the confession he makes. He wants to kill him there but stopes himselve because he believes that if he does his uncle will go to heaven.
Hamlet enters a duel with Laertes. During these events the queen ends up drinking the posing wine meant for Hamlet and dies. Then Laertes wounds Hamlet with the point of the poisoned sword and during the confusion of the fight the swords switch and Hamlet wounds Laertes. Laertes then reveals Claudius's plans and hamlet kills Claudius. Hamlet dies in Horatio's arms and tells him that Fortinbras should be the new king. Horatio is the only survivor, as he should live to tell Hamlet's story.