"And Odysseus took his time,/ turning the bow, tapping it, every inch/ for borings that termites have made...."(1174-1176).
"Dealer in old Bows!" (1180).
"A bow lover!" (1180).
"Telemachus the stranger/you welcomed in your hall has not disgraced you./I did not miss, neither did I take all day/stringing the bow./My hand and eye are sound,/not so contemptible the young man say."(1209-1212)
"Odysseus arrow hit him under the chin/and punched up to the feathers through his throat./backward and down he went, letting the wine cup fall/ from his shocked hand. Like pipes his nostrils jetted/criminal runnels, a river of mortal red,..." (1234-1238).
"You killed the best on Ithaca." (1249).
In the hushed hall it smote the suitors/ and all their faces changed." (1195).
"Your own throat will be slit for this!" (1249).
"And the suitors mad with fear/at her great sign stamped like stung cattle by a river/when dread shimmering gadfly strikes summer/ in the flowering season, and long drawn days/."