I'm Elizabeth. I was faced with a great challenge for a desperate reason. The bridge had missing planks and loose rope, but I had to get across somehow, I sprinted and a plank broke and trapped my foot. I pulled as hard as I could and this time taking it slow as I held onto the rope and made it across with minimal injury.
"I have to get across here.."
I came across a cave at the end of the bridge and entered it. I pulled out my flashlight and shined it across the cave walls. "Bats!" I yelled. These weren't any normal bats, they were hostile. I heard a bunch of squeaks and swung out my sword. I had been outnumbered. I managed to escape but with injury.
"Ah! Bats!
I could tell the journey was close to an end. I saw the light at the end of the cave and got out. I finally found what I was looking for, the flower to cure all, "Lily Carnation". With this I will be able to make it back home safely and be able to cure my mother's illness.