IN 546 BCE the Persians conquered the sea. Wars began in Ionian on the coast of Anatolia. Ionians revolt and Athens send ships to support the revolt.
Pheidippides Brings News
490 BCE fleet of 25,00 men rode across the Aegean and landed in marathon. But there was 10,00 Athenians waited for them. the preordains wore light armor because there army was meant for the sea and they weren't good at hand to hand combat.
Thermopylae and salamis
480 BCE darius the greats son Xerxes assembles a force to defeat the Greeks. 7000 solders including 300 Spartans blocked the Greeks way. Greeks stopped the advance for 3 days.
Delian league
Though Athens won the battle their city now stood defenseless!Chose a young runner named Pheidippides to bring back the Athenians wouldn’t give up the cityPheidippides raced 26.2 miles from Marathon to Athens, then diedWhen the Persians sailed into the harbor they found the city heavily defended and quickly retreate
480 BCE Darius the great son Xerxes assembled to defeat the greek. Greeks are badly divide and some city states support athens and some dont