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Science Climate Change

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Science Climate Change
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  • It's record cold all over the country and world - where the hell is global warming, we need some, fast.
  • Well actually Mr. Trump, it's called climate change, and using one small example of weather getting colder doesn't accurately reflect on the true state of our climate.
  • But seeing as you're so deeply interested in the topic of warming temperatures, I can teach you a bit about what's called the greenhouse effect.
  • When the sun's light rays reach the Earth, 54% of them end up trapped on Earth, because of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere, which steadily heats the Earth.
  • Humans contribute significantly to the concentration of these greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This factory behind us burns coal, which releases carbon dioxide up and into the atmosphere.
  • Ohh. So the more human involvement, the hotter the Earth will get.
  • We must act now to counter climate change. All of you can lower your carbon footprint easily by things like consuming less meat, and using public transportation. And together we can make the environment great again!
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