Hello, my name is pink. I am a superhero. Today you will meet all my super hero friends and do a little bit of learning
How ever an object in motion will stay in motion.
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An example of acceleration is when an icicle falls
I am made up of matter, and so are you.
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I am going to teach you about force and energy.force is defined as exerting forceEnergy is defined as harnessing something and using that energy for different purposes.
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My super power is strength. See this rock accoridning to newtons first law will as long as this rock is at rest it will stay at rest.
My name is purple. If I throw this ball at a tree it will hit it.
Hi my name is Blue. I am going to teach you about intertia.
Also accroding to newtons thrid law afor every action there is an equal and opisite reaction
Interia is the force that prevents somthing from moving. So if a bad guy applied a lot of force and pushed me.
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Next up acceleration. Acceleration is how fast the velocity of somthig changes.
Next I am going to tell you what matter is. Matter is defined as anything that oppupies room.
Newtons second law, and friction
The heaveier an object is the more force you need to move it. Like pink shows you with the rock
Friction is the resistant to objects have to each other. An example would be two rocks against each to start a fire.
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An example of energy is the sun giving life to everything.
An example of froce is kicking somthing, like. ball.
Finally i am going to teach you about forms of energy. There are 6 different types of energy, but im going to teach you about two.
See this mug full of hot chocolate. Because it is steaming the particles have a lot of energy. Basically warmth means energized particles, cold mean slow.
First I am going to talk about kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is the amount of energy particles inside an object have.