Hi, My name is Dom Pedro! I am the son of King John VI of Portugal, but I am going to rule the Brazilian Empire.
This is my friend Jose Bonifacio de Andrada.
I support public education, and I am an abolitionist that wants independence!
Major Events
Dom Pedro wanted to separate Brazil from Portugal. He became the leader of the Brazilian Empire, but the Portuguese Empire did not like that and it created a revolution.
France was being fought over during the Napoleonic Wars.
Major Events
Jose Bonifacio de Andrada helped to get Dom in charge in the early stages of trying to gain independence. Brazil was slowly losing control over local affairs. Jose Bonifacio de Andrada supported political principles that oppose his Portuguese advisors.
The Napoleonic Wars were won by a group of European Monarchies that were allies.
Napoleon's invasion of Spain helped lead to independence for the Spanish colonies because the Spanish king was imprisoned. This weakened the empire.
Yay, we won our independence!
It initiated a constitutional period in which the 1822 Constitution was ratified and added. French revolutionary and Napoleonic wars occurred during this time too.
The Napoleonic wars were caused by the French Revolution and the impact it had on other parts of Europe. These wars were lead by Napoleon I.
Brazil wanted freedom from Spain because of fear of losing their limited control. Dom Pedro declared Brazil's independence from Portugal.