Those plastic bottles are damaging our environment Emma!
Plastic Pollution - The Environmental Impacts
Look at the environmental impact!
The Effects on Living Creatures
Plastic pollution is killing our organisms, LOOK at these poor animals..
The opening scene is with Emma and John, they witness children carelessly litter plastic bottles. Emma is concerned with the lack of knowledge children have with the use of plastic and is distressed as plastic pollution is globally a major issue. Emma and John realize that educating younger generations is important to help save the planet. The main characters will be John and Emma, exploring different locations collecting evidence and documenting. The background sound will be of children talking and playing.
The Causes of Plastic Pollution
The scene will be at the town, where Emma will talk about plastic pollution and explore items that contribute towards plastic pollution. She will explain what it is, why it is a major concern and the character will outline the impacts plastic pollution has on the environment. The scene will have interactivity by clicking on certain objects that will provide information about plastic pollution. There will be background sounds of vehicles passing by.
STEM Solutions to Plastic Pollution
There's a solution? That's GREAT NEWS!
The scene moves onto the beach where it has been heavily polluted. This scene will focus on the struggling organisms and the way plastic pollution effects their habitat. Interactivity with Bruce the shark will be visual and Tim the turtle. The new characters will go onto to explain how they struggle with plastic pollution and the fears of becoming extinct! The background is dark and filled with pollution, the background sound will be ominous.
Education in class
Plastic pollution: - What does it impact? -What is plastic pollution?- The causes- Decomposition of plastic- STEM solution
This scene will be held in front of a cafe, where they consume hundreds of plastics daily. Emma will talk about the causes of plastic pollution, she will provide statistics. Emma will explore alternative options businesses can use to minimise the use of plastics. This scene is more uplifting and positive.
Let's explore the causes of plastic pollution!
This scene is taken in a laboratory where Emma speaks to the scientist who is the final character named Stacey. Stacey outlines how STEM is the solution to plastic pollution and how each category focuses on different aspects to resolve this problem. Stacey who is an expert in this field will run through a roadmap to save the planet! The tools will be interactive.
STEM is the key to this problem, we must implement STEM!
In conclusion to the story Emma will present all her findings to her Year 3 students. She will present the video that she has filmed with John, documenting the aspects of plastic pollution, the cause, the impact, the effects on living organisms and how STEM links can support the solution of plastic pollution. Emma will show the class her documentary and evidence of plastic pollution.
Good morning class, today we will be focusing on plastic pollution. As a class we will look at ways to better our environment!