Erick's parents were noble but of low nobility and it was the only way to be a knight, they wanted to have a family in a kingdom
darling we could have a child, we will create him in the nearest kingdom
from a very young age Erick already served the nobles
I will clean it until there is no stain
ok also take it to me
you are old enough to pick up a sword soon you will be a knight but you will start out as a squire
Thank you very much sir, I will not let you down
1420 d.C
Erick was already preparing from his youth to become a knight is what he wanted the most in the meantime he was practicing fighting techniques
haha I have you
I give up
well bravo, congratulations
Before they officially name Erick a Knight, he did a watch and afterwards I celebrated him.
I name you a knight
he is my son
Erick has already fought in 4 battles that luckily he has escaped unharmed but it is to protect the peasants and the monks. the basic weapons were swords and shields and sometimes bows and spears equipped with metal armor
those from the east have declared war on us and feudal lord wants us to join them