Welcome to my farm. Where I grow tons of corn, rice, indigo, and Tabaco. I am able to grow this because of the beautiful soil here in Virginia.
Today is going to be a busy day because we have to dig some holes, water the plants, put new seeds in the ground, and water them all.
Because if we don't wake up early we wont get all the tasks we have to do done.
Why do we have to wake up so early?
And we have to feed the cattle, milk the cows, feed the horses, And take care the sheep.
Ok dad.
Everyday I wish I had a proper education instead of being an apprentice . Maybe I Would have more now. But either way I still have what I need
I wish I had my own plantation that had a huge home with slaves to help me. So wouldn't have so much work by myself. But I can't because I don't have as much money as people, who do have a plantation with a huge home.
I don't have much but at least I can vote to me that's a huge honor because I chose who will lead us. And they might change laws and rules so I may be able to have what I want