I only know 2 points of this evolution so my friend Mister DUMONT will help me finish explaining this to you
My name is Charles Darwin, I'm born in 1809. I discovered the evolution theory and wrote many books about that
In this story, I will teach you the evolution theory and we will travel through time.
Natural selection is a process by wich heritable traits that make an organism more likely to survive in a random environment and successfully reproduce become more common in a population over successing generation, it is a key mecanism of evolution.
I will give you an example to better understand
The giraffe is an example of the natural selection because, the tall giraffe will survive because it can eat but the short giraffe will die because she's to short to eat.The tall giraffe will reproduce and make tall giraffe too.Now the giraffe is a taller than before because its food is higher.
Speciation is when a group of a species separate from others members so they develop their own caracteristics and they became differents species
Speciation occurs when there is a geographic isolation, a habitat isolattion, a behavioral isolation or a temporal isolation.
For example, originally, this two squirrels were of the same species but then they separated and they evolued differently. They accumulated many differences with time due to their different lifestyle. Now there is so much differences than they became two different species.
HI, I'm Mister DUMONT, and I will explain to you what DARWIN didn't know about the reasons of the evolution.
An important reason of this evolution is mutations
So that you understand I will explain mutations to you like a recipe