Hello, my name is Paolo! Today, you'll get to know my friends on their own models of the universe.
HI, I am Claudius Ptolemy! A mathematician and I proposed the Geocentric Model of the universe. Although, I got the idea from my friend--
That's me! I'm Aristotle. I expounded it from Eudoxus' system where the earth is at the center, with the arrangement of spheres of heavenly bodies in a concentric crystalline manner.
Conceptualized the Geocentric Model of the universe where the center is the Earth while the moon, sun and stars rotate around the Earth, with a steady circular motion.
I proposed the heliocentric model of the universe.
Hi, I'm Nicolaus Copernicus, a Polish mathematician and an astronomer.
Conceptualized the Heliocentric Theory on 1543. It is where the center of the universe is the sun, by which the earth revolves around it.
The planets ' distance also has a direct relationship regarding the size of their orbits to the sun.
That's all for today! I hope you learned something as much as I did.