Hi! My names Khushbakht! I'm 12 years old and i was born on October 28'th, 2009.
I have a 5 year old brother and a 10 year old sister. I was born in Pakistan and moved to Canada with my parents when i was 1 years old.
Some of my hobbies include:-Painting (art)- Rearranging my room (I do it too much honestly)- Journal writing- Reading (mystery and thriller)
My academic goals for 2022- Find time to relax- Not stress out if there's a lot of work- Manage my time- Stay focused!!- Stay positive towards homework and the idea of homework- Take work as a challenge or a game rather than boring old piles of work
Wow these are great goals!
Mindfulness goals for 2022
Go outside more often and just observe nature
Scedual breathing breaks
All of these goals will help me to stay calm and be so much productive. By achieving these goals, it might even become easier to achieve my academic goals.
Practice acceptance
Take sensory pauses
Be on screens or social media less and no screens for the first and last hour of my day.