The licorice's Family They lived during the Pre Independence ,In the community ofBoswell. Grandpa is a farmer that works hard to provides for his family . Timmy is the youngest male who help individuates with there work and Milton is a knowledgeable organize boy and he his a child's advocate .
Hi I am Milton
Hi I am Timmy
Hi I am Grandpa
Grandpa was on his way to the market , when he met in an accident with his donkey Merrie. .
As a result he was admitted in the Hospital where he found out that his leg's was amputated .
Milton became the breadwinner of the family, because of Grandpa's amputation , he couldn't move.He was now" The man of the house." Milton With Grandpa's leg amputated things wouldn't be the same hence the making of the timetable in Chapter 3. The timetable was a list of chores that Timmy and Milton had to do ,this includes the making and preparing of the Fish pot. so that they didn't have to eat codfish anymore. Milton started a Milk drive .Milton and Timmy went to catch fish , In a few minutes they realize that the Fish pot wasn't catching any fish so they planned to see the cunning thief who was stealing their fish. They went in a bush nearby , When they waited to see who it was they saw that it was the Village Bully Jester. This made Milton angry , Milton then confronted Jester and this resulted in them fighting .
Rising Action
Milton and Timmy planned a stall for the Christmas fair on the cricket flied in Boswell. The fair turned out to be good and they earned a big profit so that they can use the money to help pay for the buggy for Grandpa .
The people in the community of Boswell
Allan Bent
Milton ,Timmy and with the help of Allan Bent started to set up the buggy so that Grandpa could get it for Christmas so that he can go to church and go to the market to sell goods .
Grandpa finally got his Buggy for Christmas and he was happy that he could attend the church services on Sunday and the passing of the offering plate , etc.. grandpa later died from pneumonia and was burred by his grandsons Milton and Timmy grew up and Milton was now married to Margaret and they had two children together Milton now owned the great house and became a successful business man while Timmy worked for someone The cloud was always remembered by them.