An atom is the smallest particle of an element that retains all the properties of that element. The atom has no overall charge, composing of protons and neutrons, which are in the nucleus, and electrons, which are outside of the nucleus. Time to meet the Atom's Family!
Atom's Family
Hi. My name is Elsa. Are you guys ready for the family picture?
Hi. My name is Emma the Electron. I live outside the nucleus in a cloud orbiting it with a charge of -1. My relative mass is 0.00055.Come inside. Let's meet the other family members.
Hi. My name is Elsa. What is your name?
Hi Omar. I am Nicolas the Nucleus. I live in the center of the atom, with a positive charge, carrying protons and neutrons. My mass is associated with the atomic mass number. The atomic mass number is equal to total number of protons and neutrons.
Elsa explains what the atom is and is going to meet the Atom's Family.
Hello. I am Neutral Nicole. I live in the nucleus of the atom with a charge of 0. My relative mass is about 1 amu.
Hello Neutral Nicole. I am Elsa
Elsa meets Emma the Electron, who describes who she is.
Hello. My name is Elsa. What is your name?
Hi Omar. I am Positive Paul. I live inside of the nucleus of the house. My charge is positive 1 and my relative mass is about 1 amu.
Elsa meets Nicolas the Nucleus, who describes who he is.
Say Atoms!
Elsa meets Neutral Nicole, who describes who she is.
Elsa meets Positive Paul, who describes who he is.