I Cant call you mom, I just cant, im not good enogh to be your daughter.
Its okay, what woul you like to call me?
Person vs Nature
Welcome to your new home, my draling!
This place is so wierd, and I dont like it at all.
Person vs Self
That cant be my mom, im not that pretty.
In this image, Maya is confronting the issue that she does not believe she is her Mothers daughter. Mya is confronting her Mother showing that her conflict between the two is really there, making more of a person vs person conflict.
In this picture, Maya struggles to fit in this new environment, creating the story of the Person vs Nature conflict. It's hard for Maya to ease into this new home, because of her thoughts on the situation, that situation is moving in with her mom.
In this picture, Maya is in doubt that this New woman is her mother. While her mother was greeting her, Maya is struggling with what to think about her mom, giving birth to one of the story's main conflicts, Person vs Self.