It may seem scary but it is more common then you think. Gonorrhea affects more than 3 million people a year and can be treated within days, weeks at worst. Your lab tests did come back positive. Luckily, there is one CDC recommended treatment.
A week after Emma and Noah's date, Emma began to feel very ill and has had a sore throat for the past two days and is constantly feeling the urge to urinate and feels a burning sensation when doing so. She decides to call Noah and tell him but before doing so decides to google her symptoms.
The treatment involves two strong antibiotics, azithromycin and ceftriaxone. The medicine will work to stop the infection but it will not undo any permeant damage.
Females do not develop any overt symptoms, when they do develop symptoms they tend to be similar to other diagnoses. Gonorrhea may appear much more as a yeast infection or bacterial infection
Noah was shocked and told Emma there was no way it was gonorrhea. He said he had not been feeling any symptoms and they decided to go visit a doctor to find out what was wrong.
Typical symptoms do not show for about a week after transmission. Some men may never develop symptoms.
If a man does develop symptoms it may not be noticed for weeks
Emma and Noah were shocked to learn this was a sexually transmitted disease. The germs are found in mucous areas around the body and include the vagina, penis, throat and rectum. Emma and Noah most likely contracted gonorrhea because they did not use a condom. It can be transmitted through oral, vaginal or anal sex.
Female symptoms include: discharge from vagina (watery, creamy or slightly green) , pain or burning sensation while urinating, heavier periods or spotting, sore throat, pain during sexual intercourse, shar pain in lower abdomen and fevers
This was in fact very true, Noah had began to feel symptoms. Common symptoms for men include: greater urgency of urination (painful urination as well), a pus-like discharge or drip from the penis (white, yellow, beige or greenish), swelling or redness at the opening of the penis, swelling or pain in the testicles, and a persistent or sore throat. (pain may also spread to the rectum)
Noah, you seem to be feeling a symptom. Unfortun-ately this is only a one person room so we have to move you to another.
Here you go this room has 2 beds... just shout if you need anything
Lexi?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? I haven't seen you since.. well you know three weeks ago