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Religion - Ezekiel

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Religion - Ezekiel
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  •  When mighty armies attackedJudah, they took many of God’s people captive. Far from home these Jews livednear the river of Chebar. Among the captives was God’s servant, the prophetEzekiel. God gave Ezekiel a vision of God’s glory which had appeared as abright light, in the form of four fiery creatures. Above the creatures was abeautiful sapphire throne filled with light like blazing rainbows. Ezekiel fellon his face when he saw it.
  • Ezekiel did many strange thingsso God’s word could be clear for the people. He scratched a picture ofJerusalem on a clay tile, many people looked over his shoulder whilst he drewthe figures of a mighty army. This was to show that god’s holy city was soon tobe destroyed.Ezekiel ate the scroll and waslifted by god’s spirit and was carried to more captive Jews living in adifferent spot. For seven days he sat and was astonished by what he saw. ThenGod made Ezekiel a watchman and he was to warn the bad people not to disobeyGod.I am sending you to the childrenof Israel, speak my words to them, for they are rebellious” God said toEzekiel. After, a hand appeared holding a scroll. “Eat this scroll” God spoke,“and go, speak to the house of Israel.”
  • The brave prophet told the Jewsin captivity that things would only get worse and not better like theyexpected. One day when he sat with the elders of Israel, God gave Ezekiel avision that he was lifted by his hair and brought to the temple in Jerusalem.One day, Ezekiel shaved all of his hair and burned a third of it. This was to show that a third of the peoplein Jerusalem would die of disease and famine, he took another third and choppedit with a sword to show that one third would die by the hands of the armies’swords, he threw the rest away into the wind but sewed a few hairs to the hemof his garment as a sign that God would keep some of his people safe. Israel had disobeyed god for 390years and Judah had disobeyed God for 40, God told Ezekiel to like on his leftside for 390 days and his right for 40 to remind the people of their sins.
  • In the Temple, God showed Ezekiel creeping things,unclean beasts, and idols. These should never have been in God's Temple. theleaders were worshiping these instead of God. God also showed Ezekiel that HisGlory was leaving the Temple and it would be destroyed. When the vision wasfinished, Ezekiel told the Jews about it.Everything God said came true. Jerusalem was destroyed.Many people perished. When the Jews who were captives in Babylon heard it, theywondered if God had given up His people forever. But God gave another messageto His prophet. He led Ezekiel to a valley full of dry bones.
  • The lordsaid, "Prophesy, son of man and say 'Come from the four winds, O breath.Breathe on these that they may live.'" When Ezekiel did so, life came intothem. They lived, and stood upon their feet. A great army now filled thevalley. The prophet looked on in amazement, bodies came togetherbone by bone. Then, flesh came upon them. And the skin covered them over, but there was no life within them.“Son of man, can these bones live?" God askedEzekiel. "O lord God, You know," Ezekiel answered. Of course Ezekielthought dry bones could not live again. The lord said, "Prophesy to thesebones, and say 'O dry bones, hear the word of the lord! You shall live.'"When he obeyed, Ezekiel heard a rattling noise. 
  • God knew theJews in Babylon felt hopeless when Jerusalem fell. He sent a message through Ezekiel's vision. "These bones are the whole house of Israel," Godsaid. "I will put my Spirit in you, and place you in your own land." 
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