see i knew that nothing happened even know the dog touched him he still did not lose his powers
why did you touch me i now lost my powers
Santa i did not touch the elf if I did how did he talk to me
You are lucky I gave a good pitch
Bam! bye bye ball see you later
try hitting this I would not throw this to you if you did not touch the elf.
Santa is that you wait why are you giving me presents after that fight we just got into fight remember. Well when it is Christmas I like to think about it as when I get to spend time with my family and open presents.
Wow! so many presents
what fight well you were dreaming because you know that Santa is a nice guy now how about you go to back to bed and when you wake up in the morning you will find more presents than you see now
what's going on what what why did you wake me up oh wait! I know why you woke Its Christmas morning lets go open presents bear lets go,