when i was 4 i lived with my mother and brothers and sisters in a small town in the island of luzon.we had as a next door neighbor a very rich man whose sons and daughters seldom come out ofthe house.
This rich mans servant were always frying and cooking something good. the aroma of the food wafted down at us from the windows of the big house, we hung and took all the wonderful smells of the food, some times in the morning our whole family stood outside windows of the rich mans house and listened to the musical sizzling of the food.
somedays the rich man appeared at a window and glowered down at us. he look at us one by one as though he were condemning us.
one morning a policeman from the precidencia came to our house with a sealed paper the rich man had filled a complaint against us. father took me with him when he went to the town clerk and asked what is it was about.
SOMETIMES THEY HUNG OUTSIDE and listened to the musical sizziling of foods.
the day come for us to appear in the court, father brushed his old army uniform and borrowed a pair of shoes from one of my brothers.we were the first to arrive father sat on a chair in the centre of the courtroom , mother occupied a chair by the door we children sat along in long bench by the wall.
the rich man looked at them one by one more like condemning them.
do you claim that we stole the spirit of your food by hanging outside your windows when your servants cooked it? "yes" father said "then we are going to pay you right now" he walked where we sit and took my straw hat off my lap and began filling hem with centavo pieces from his pocket. after the judge let him wlaked acroos the hall he strode into the other room with hat in his hands almost full of coins the doors of the hall is wide open 'are you ready"father said "proceed" the judge said the sweet tinkle of the coins carried beautifulli the courtroom.the spectators turned their faces towars the sound."did you hear it" father asked. "hear what?" the man asked "the spirit of the money when i shook this hat?" he asked "YES'
then he father the man claimed that for years we had been stealing the spirit of his wealth and food.
and the richman arrived, he had grown old and feeble;his face was scarred with deep line with him waS his young lawyer.spectators came in and almost filled the chairs. and the judge enter the the room and sat on the high chair. we stood in a hurry. after the courtroom preliminaries,the judge look at the father "do you have a lawyer" "i dont need a lawyer father said" TIMESKIP.
the rich man open his mouth to speak and fell to the floor without a sound. the lawyer rushed to his aid.the judge pounded his gavel. "case dismissed"he said the judge came down to his chair shake hands with him "by the way i had an uncle who died laughing" he whispered "you like to hear my family laugh judge?" "why not ' the judge said. my sisters started it and the rest of us followed. and laugh of the judge is the loudest.