I want a baby, you have all your fishing stuff but I nedd a baby.
Goodbye my love, I'm going fishing.
I want a baby!
Rising Action
You have no family and I do not have a child, I wil take you to my house to live with me and my wife.
A fisherman and his wife lived in a hut facing the sea. They were very sad because they didn't have a baby, especially his wife.
Somebody help him please!
The woman was sitting in the armchair in front of a crib in front of the fireplace saying she wanted a baby.
The fisherman found a seal on the shore, this seal wrapped in a shirt an took it to your home but it turned out to be a selchie, seal in the water and child on the ground. They called him Greyling and never let him touch the sea.
There was a storm, they sent everyone out, but the fishermanwas in the boat. The fisherman was drowning and his wife asked for help but hewanted to help him and a man comes over and tells him why he doesn't send hisson to save him.
But send your son to save him.
Greyling threw himself into the sea to save his father, but he was converted. After he had saved him, he realized that the sea was his true habitat.
Greyling comes every year around their hut to watch over his parents.