An ordinary girl travelled to an island where she found treasure consisting of a great fortune of money. The girl was overjoyed and full of excitement at the discovery.
Can I purchase the land?
I will see what I can do for you so you can hopefully buy it
She then decided to grab the money and place it in a bag and left the island.
I can't believe that I've sold everything
When trying to find the perfect spot to hide the treasure, the girl finds a secluded corner and decides that this would be the best place in the large field.
The girl consults a real estate agent to discuss buying the land, which holds the hidden treasure and the conversation goes successfully.
To buy the land, the girl had to sell everything she owned so that she had the right amount of money.
As time went on, the girl created her ideal home with the money hidden in the hidden treasure and at the result, felt overjoyed and blessed.