546 BCE the Persians conquer the sea and Ionia revolts. Athens then send ships to support revolt. Persian king Darius defeats revolt and demands revenge against the Athenians.
we hate athens! Whey they interfere!
490 BCE Persia sends 25,000 men to land in Marathon (close by town to Athens). These men wore light armor and were awaited by 10,000 Athenian men. Fought and caused 200 Athenian deaths and 6,000 Persian deaths.
time to destroy athens !
The Persians then snuck off to go show up in Athens but when they did they noticed that Athens was heavily defended by the Athenians. So the Persians decided to retreat.
LEAVE we overpower you!
The other city states got upeset with Athens because of their interference with the Persians and Ionians.
480 BCE Xerxes (king Darius son) assembles a force to destroy the Athenians.
479 BCE Sparta unionizes with Athens (Delian league) to help defeat once and for all the Persians. They forced retreat towards the Persians. Athens abandon city to find Xerxes burn the city. But the GReeks end up with the win