hello my Name is vanitas i am vampire of moon blue and my friend is called noé and he is moon red and he to one cat his name is mure.
1981 1 June 1981 3 june Hi It`s been many years since There are fifty deaths. Foday the world war started brtween we ploy one big army to the humans and vampires and the baster and to win.there is a already one hundred deaths. 1981 2 June We lost one battle again but we didn`t lose the war.
1981 4 June 1981 12 June We have our equipment A peace treaty is singed and we go to confront between the humans and the humans. vampires and the war ends for now. 1981 5 june we head to the camp of humans. an 1 hours later. We arrive to the camp and we toss bombs ont on the camp. Six hours later we win!!!