He said if you tied me up with a rope which has never been dried ill be weak to any man.
Dalila tried to find Samson's weakness and she asked him what makes him weak. and if he really loved her he would tell her.
So when Samson fell asleep she got a dried rope and tide him down. And went and got the philistines. And she yelled for them to come and get him.
But when Samson heard this he awoke and ran outside to fight the philistines. But the Philistines were not there and he was confused. And Delia asked him what his true weakness and he told her/
Samson's true weakness was if you cut his hair he becomes weak. So telling dahlia this she plotted a plan. And cut his hair while he slept. And the philistines came and took him while he was weak.
They took Samson to a temple and beat him. Took his eyes out wiped him and hamulated him. For now he was weak.
With no other choose Samson prayed to God for some strength to defeat his enemies and show how he can be a figure of God. So God granted him the strength and Samson pulled the temple down and killed everyone inside including himself scarifying himself or the grater good like Jesus did. Making him a character of God and proofing himself worthy of God showing no matter how broken or bad you are God will use for great things.