In the end, the medical and teaching services had lower quality. The shelter was overwhelmed by all the people they had to care for.
Same here. Now there will be 40 instead of 20 people learning in 1 kitchen.
Hi everyone. Unfortunately we will cut your counseling sessions from 15 per person to 8 per person due to budget cuts.
Paul's new job is so much better! His job is good andhis pay is fair. He even teaches his siblings what he learned.
Wonderful steak! Make sure to reason with salt first.
Great job, Paul! If your brother keeps improving, we might hire him too!
One day a woman offered a job for Julia in another country. Her father accepted the offer for her.
What a lovely girl! She's perfect for this job. It's outside of the country though
I'm so sorry, Julia. But you need to go. This country isn't fit for a little girl. At least you can visit home soon!
Jim ended up working at the fishery all his life. He died there without escaping.
I'm never gonna escape am I? Ugh my back hurts so much.
Paul's case is very rare. In real life, only few people are successfully saved from human trafficking.
Insane! Less than 100 people in the Philippines got convicted for trafficking. Wait... the numbers are much higher than that. I must be really lucky then.
The government couldn't help them either. There were too many problems going on already.
Department of Justice sent a letter. They want this much money for the shelters.