In the year 3028, humans had deserted the world to reside on the planet Mars, where they would swap places with the aliens that originally came from there; those aliens would land on a small island in the middle of the Indian Ocean. The species was called Trized, as the organisms had three separate heads on one body, and they had eye Eric variation within the species based on the color of its fur, and one other special factor.
The Trized’s most common prey was the rat, and considering that humans no longer resided the world, there were a plethora of them, roaming, getting stronger, and adapting to to life alone on the Earth. It is important to note that prior to the humans’ disappearance, rats were being killed using a very harmful type of pesticide, in which to their dismay, the rats were slowly becoming immune to as new generations emerged.
The one special factor mentioned a]earlier that created variety within the species of the Trized was their method to killing their prey. The Trized used their spit glands to secrete a poison so strong, it would immediately paralyze the rats, making the, easier to catch. However, the spit glands of the black Trizeds were composed with the exact same types of things found in the chemical pesticides once s used on this species. The red Trizeds, on the other hand, had spit that the rats have never been exposed to.
One day, the Trizeds decided to catch their dinner early. They walked up to the riverside, where the rats usually resided, and used their spit gland killing method to catch and paralyze their prey. However, something was different- although the red Trized was successful in paralyzing their rat, the black Trized was not.
Due to the fact that the rats had become resistant to the contents of the human pesticide, the spit that came from the glands of the black Trized had little to no effect on them. Therefore, over time, in order to eliminate this useless trait, the Trizeds gradually evolved into just red Trizeds.
Millions of years later, one can observe the species of the Trized successfully paralyzing their prey in an instant with their red spit glands. However, the time will come soon when rats will adapt to this very trait, and the cycle will continue on.