That night Blossom couldn't sleep and decides to look at the stars. She goes to the window and sees something flying beside the Statue of Liberty and comes to her room.
Yes I'm real but first have a sit and I will explain you everything.
OMG! You are a fairy. Are you real?
Because 500 hundred years ago we were friends with humans. But then they started using us like we were their objects because we had powers and they tried to take our powers.
That night Blossom couldn't sleep and decides to look at the stars. She goes to the window and sees something flying beside the Statue of Liberty and comes to her room.
You are a fairy too but you need to keep it as a secret because humans dii not need to know that fairies exist.
What?! And why humans need to know that fairies don't exist?
Also you can turn into a fairy by using this stick!
Then we decided to leave the world but before we leave we did a magic and every human forgot everything about us.
Ohh! I understand then I will not tell anything!